• February 9, 2024

What is the purpose of forming agnipath and agniveer army?

What is the purpose of forming agnipath and agniveer army?

Agniveer Army allows patriotic youth to selflessly serve the country for four years. They will gain military training, discipline and leadership skills, courage and patriotism.

After four years, up to 25% of Agniveer can choose for permanent enrolment in the three services. Their rules will follow those already in place for Junior Commissioned Officers/Other ranks.

What is the purpose of Agniveer?

The aim of forming Agniveer is to bring more young men and women into the armed forces. This will help in ensuring that the armed forces maintain a youthful profile and are able to exploit, adapt and use emerging modern technologies.

They’ll train at army centers, learning the skills of a soldier in terms of discipline, physical fitness, courage and patriotism. After four years, they will reintegrate into civilian life. This will give them a unique resume to add on to their bio-data and will also enhance their personal and professional growth.

It will open recruitment to the youth of urban and town areas. Earlier, the Army would conduct a physical first and then only allow them to take the written exam. This will also reduce the costs of recruitment. This is in line with the government’s goal of cutting down the ballooning defence budget and pension bill.

Eligibility Criteria for Agniveer

Agniveers must be between the ages of 17 1/2 and 21 with Class 12th Certificate from a recognised board. They must clear the Physical test and their Medical Test. They also have to meet the military standards and policies in vogue for enrollment of different categories/trades.

In addition, they must be in good physical health and free from any diseases. The armed forces will conduct the medical examination for candidates.

Unlike the previous recruitment process, Agniveer army candidates will have to take an admission exam first before undergoing a physical and medical examination. The army has revised the selection process in order to recruit more candidates. This includes opening doors to pre-skilled youth and ITI/Polytechnic graduates in the technical category. Once they complete their four-year engagement period, Agniveers will be eligible to apply for permanent enrolment. However, the decision will remain under the exclusive jurisdiction of the armed forces. They will receive a good exit package and skill certificates after their service tenure is over.


When the Agniveer scheme was announced in summer 2022, it aroused apprehensions among veterans who fear that there will be a loss of permanent government jobs. The Army has taken steps to assuage these apprehensions and explain the rationale behind the scheme and its long-term implications.

The training of the first batch of Agniveers will begin this December at recruitment training centers. You can check on the official website Joinindianarmy.nic.in. The trainees will undergo military training for four years and receive a certificate that can help them on their career path.

They will also be provided with non-contributory life insurance cover for the duration of their engagement period. They will also be able to use the skills acquired during this time to boost their employment opportunities in civil society.

As part of the training, the recruits will undergo medical tests and physical testing. The selection process will be the same as that of the regular Army, with a written exam followed by a medical examination and a retest.


The Agniveer scheme is a radical departure from previous recruitment policy that saw soldiers serve for 17 years and earn a pension. In a multi-pronged approach, the MoD has roped in private defence manufacturers and public sector banks to help ‘Agniveers’ gain industry-specific skills and bank loans for their second careers.

The ministry has also asked them to compulsorily deposit 30 percent of their monthly salary in a corpus that will accrue interest. Upon exiting the services, they will be eligible for an ex-gratia payment called ‘Seva Nidhi’ that will comprise their contribution plus the accrued interest.

At the end of their four-year tenure, 25 percent of Agniveers will be retained and re-enlisted in the regular Army based on merit, willingness and medical fitness. The rest will be demobilised and not entitled to a pension or gratuity.

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