• September 22, 2023

Join Indian Navy Agniveer | How to Join | Agniveer Online

Join Indian Navy Agniveer | How to Join | Agniveer Online


How to join Indian Navy Agniveer. The Indian Navy is currently accepting applications for the Agniveer SSR/MR 02/2023 batch, with the deadline set for June 13, 2023. If you haven’t applied yet, make sure to complete your registration on joinindiannavy.gov.in before the deadline.

This recruitment drive offers a total of 1500 vacancies, including 1400 vacancies for Agniveer (SSR) and 100 for Agniveer (MR) for the 02/2023 batch.

Agniveer Navy 2023

The Government of India has introduced the Agneepath initiative for as[itrants wanting to join Indian Navy Agniveer, which serves as a blueprint for the country’s development and integration. 

  • It is designed to provide equal opportunities for young men and women from all backgrounds, making it the sole path for army recruitment.
  • To join Indian Navy Agniveer Online Application Form can be accessed on the official website, and the recruitment process will be conducted by the board in accordance with the specified requirements. 
  • Out of the total 2800 openings, 560 are exclusively reserved for women, and the allocation will be based on each state’s quotas.
  • Agniveers selected through this process will be registered in the Indian Navy for a duration of four years under the Navy Act of 1957. 
  • They will hold a unique rank within the Indian Navy, distinct from existing ranks.

Join Indian Navy Agniveer : Selection Process

Join Indian Navy Agniveer Selection Process

The selection process for the Agniveer (MR, SSR) – 02/2023 batch consists of two stages:

  1. Shortlisting through a Computer-based online Examination.
  2. Written Examination, Physical Fitness Test (PFT), Recruitment Medical Examination.

How to Join Indian Navy Agniveer

To join Indian Navy Agniveer, follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website at agniveernavy.cdac.in.
  • On the home page, locate and click on the Agniveer (02/2023) registration link.
  • Register and fill out the entire application form with all the required information.
  • Upload the necessary documents and make the examination fee payment.
  • After submission of the application, download a copy for future reference.

Examination Fees

Join Indian Navy Agniveer Examination fees

Candidates are required to pay an examination fee of INR 550 plus 18% GST during the online application process of join Indian Navy Agniveer.

Important Points to Join Indian Navy Agniveer Bharti

Let us now look at some important points to keep in mind while you looking for how to join Indian Navy Agniveer:

  • Length of Service : Agniveers will serve in the Indian Navy for four years under the Navy Act of 1957.
  • Leave : Volunteers are entitled to 30 days of annual leave.
  • Marital Status : Candidate must be unmarried. Marriage during training can result in disqualification.
  • Pregnancy : Female candidates found to be pregnant will be disqualified.
  • Agniveers are not allowed to get out of their contracts before the end of the contract period even if they want to.

Agniveers can be sent home as “UNSUITABLE” if they fail to perform their duties adequately at any point during their four-year training or service period.

Frequently Asked Questions

Candidates can always join Indian Navy Agniveer but joining Agniveer and joining the Indian Navy are two separate endeavors, and the processes for each are distinct. Here’s how you can pursue both:

  1. Joining Agniveer:
  • To join Agniveer, you typically need to express your interest in their work and philosophy and actively participate in their activities or initiatives. Agniveer is a voluntary organization, so you don’t have to go through a formal application process like you would for a job or government service.
  • Start by visiting Agniveer’s official website or contacting them through their social media channels.
  • Attend their events, workshops, or meetings if they are open to the public.
  • Show your commitment to their mission and values by actively participating in their activities or campaigns.
  • Contact the organization directly to inquire about volunteer opportunities or how you can contribute to their cause.
  1. Joining the Indian Navy:

Joining the Indian Navy involves a formal recruitment process, and you must meet certain eligibility criteria and qualifications. Here are the general steps:

  • Educational Qualification: You typically need to have completed at least a 10+2 (12th grade) education with the required subjects, depending on the type of entry you are applying for.
  • Age Eligibility: The age eligibility criteria can vary depending on the entry type (e.g., NDA, 10+2 B.Tech, SSC, etc.). Ensure you meet the age requirements for the specific entry you are interested in.
  • Physical Fitness: You must meet certain physical and medical standards as per the Navy’s guidelines. This includes height, weight, vision, and overall fitness.
  • Written Exam: You will have to appear for written exams like the NDA (National Defence Academy) exam or other relevant entrance exams for Navy recruitment.
  • SSB Interview: If you pass the written exam, you will be called for an interview by the Services Selection Board (SSB).
  • Training: Upon selection, you will undergo training at the Indian Naval Academy or other training institutes.
  • Application Process: Keep an eye on the official Indian Navy website for recruitment notifications and follow the application procedure outlined in the notifications.

It’s important to check the official Indian Navy website and follow their announcements for the most up-to-date information on recruitment and eligibility criteria. The process may change from time to time, so make sure you have the latest information.

In summary, joining Agniveer is a voluntary undertaking that involves showing your dedication to their cause, while joining the Indian Navy is a formal process with specific eligibility criteria and recruitment procedures. Make sure you research and prepare adequately for both pursuits.

The Indian Navy Agniveer (MR,SSR) is a highly technical Organization. You will be required to serve in the latest powerful modern ships such as Aircraft Carriers, Replenishment Ships, Guided Missile Destroyers and Frigates with highly technical and fascinating Submarines and aircraft. Click to join Indian Navy Agniveer.

The salary of agniveer for the first year will be Rs. 4.76Lakh which will be increased yearly and the fourth year which is the final year the salary will be Rs. 6.92Lakh. The year-by-year salary is mentioned below:

Salary of Agniveer


Monthly Salary

1st Year

Rs. 30000 per month

2nd Year

Rs. 33000 per month

3rd Year

Rs. 36500 per month

4th Year

Rs. 40000 per month

The salary of an Agniveer in 4 years will be Rs. 6.92Lakh, i.e. Rs. 40,000 per Month.

The in-hand salary of the agniveer will be Rs. 28,000 and the remaining Rs. 12,000 will be contributed to Agniveer Corpus Fund (30%) an additional 12,000 will be contributed by the Indian Government to the Agniveer Corpus Fund.

Yes an agniveer can become an officer after completing the 4 years of duration in the Indian Armed Forces.

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